Environmental Impact Policy Statement

 Environmental Impact Policy Statement


Bankhouse Catering fully supports the principles and is committed to promoting good environmental practice and sustainability in the conduct of its activities and operations


It is Bankhouse policy to support excellent working practices while ensuring that any adverse effects on the environment are kept to a minimum.


Bankhouse Catering, therefore:


  • Wholly supports the requirements of accepted international standards and current EU environmental legislation and codes of practice.
  • Minimises consumption through the reduction, reuse or recycling of materials as much as possible
  • Encourages efficient use of energy, utilities and natural resources, especially where these are non-renewable.
  • Seeks to prevent pollution by reducing the amount of waste arising from its activities.
  • Operates a travel policy that takes account of environmental issues as far as reasonably practical and encourages where possible the use of feasible alternative means of transport.
  • As far as possible purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment and encourage others to do the same.
  • Ensure that all employees understand our environmental policy and conform to the high standards required.
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